Citrix downloads offers 2 ways to download, if using Download Manager (DM), a pop-up box displays for the DM to install.This sometimes results in less than current versions of web pages being displayed. Internet browser's cache images, scripts and other parts of webpages you visit allowing browsers to speed up display time when visited again by loading content locally from cache instead of downloading everything again.If using a computer or laptop on a company network, firewalls or programming by an administrator can be running, preventing the download.Occasionally, a browser is incompatible with a web page due to using an older version of a browser.Citrix software won't install if the computer or virtual machine isn't equipped with a supported OS and browser.If a specific error number or message is encountered, search the Citrix Knowledge Center for articles with the text or error number for a solution.Try finding solutions to error messages.If stalled, cancel and restart the download. Check progress window, the download should be progressing if the transfer rate is more than 0 MB/sec.Check whether the download is paused or stalled.